Australian music: Students-Composition

Composition Task

First component

Using GarageBand, write a song using loops. Include some aspects of Aboriginal music in your song. Your song should be at least 2 minutes long. Make sure you include the following:

  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • A solo

Second component

Using the website, Xtranormal, make a short movie. Choose a ‘collection’ of characters, with 2 ‘actors’. Use one actor as an interviewer, and one to represent you. The movie should be a series of questions from the interviewer to the character representing you, about your composition and the process you went through.
Some examples of questions are below:

  1. How did you decide which loops to use?
  2. What process did you go through to write your song?
  3. Where is the Aboriginal music aspect in your song?

Watch the short video I made as an example.

I hope you have enjoyed this unit of work!

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